"Oleg Novgorodov was born in 1959, in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. To draw began from the childhood. In elementary grades of school has become interested in illustrations of ancient Greek sculptures. In the next park there was a potter's workshop and Oleg has made the first sculpture of the clay taken in this workshop. Boy took lessons in several fine art studios.
Poor health has forced him to go in sports. 10 years old he becomes the champion of city on fencing
(saber). Simultaneously he started to be engaged at ballet school. In 12 years has engaged in rowing on a canoe. In 14 years was the champion of Ukraine in the category. In 15 years has engaged in boxing. In 18 years became the champion of Ukraine on boxing.
it was not possible to the young man to finish school, because he has been excluded for the drowning of naked bodies in writing-books. And then Oleg Novgorodov began to be engaged in drawing without restrictions, in 18 started to draw naked bodies from a real life. He became famous among friends and familiar owing to erotic pictures. This has served as the reason of prosecution by authorities because the communistic mode pursued for sensuality.
Having got under supervision of authorities of the image of naked body Novgorodov has been removed from applicants in combined team of the USSR on Olympiad on boxing.
Novgorodov during two years studied antique art in museums of Moscow and Leningrad. In 19 years does not pass selection in army because of the diagnosis
psychopathy. Receives the "white" ticket without the right to work and study.
In a military registration and enlistment office openly opposes wars in Afghanistan. Gets in police. For predilection for erotic figures gets in prison for18 month.
In 1982 - married. In 1984 his son dies from leukemia.
1982 - heavy wound in a neck. Operation on removal of a carotid and salivary gland. Clinical death.
In 1990 he get in psychiatric hospital with schizophrenia. Studied in medical institute anatomy of a human body, listened to lectures on philosophy at university. Some time worked with artist
Tchekmaryov. After that 2 years worked with artist Zhiradkov. In 1990 Tchekmaryov gives
recommendation in the Union of Artists, but the art academy refuses Novgorodov because naked body was not combined with subjects of exhibitions of the USSR that time. After a while the Union of Artists has proposed the introduction. But this time Novgorodov refused them.
Oleg Novgorodov - the sculptor and the artist - a nugget. Despite of all difficulties in 2001 there passes the exhibition of his works organized by the Dnepropetrovsk Historical Museum. The offer from the Dneprodzerginsk Historical Museum at once has followed. Public has been struck. Visitors' books were full of records of gratitude. The exhibition in Dnepropetrovsk has been shown by three city broadcasting companies, one of which has made a film about the artist. At the exhibition there were about 90 sculptures and 40 graphic works.
We are grateful for your response and we hope that it also will be interesting to you."
on artist' autobiographical materials